DPI Tech, a technology-driven enterprise, demonstrates its excellence as an innovator in the digital printing industry. With years of specialized expertise in digital printing, DPI Tech stands out in the development and production of high-speed industrial digital printing equipment. The company's profound understanding of industrial digital printing needs and robust global supply chain support have positioned it as a leader in offering innovative digital printing process solutions for various industrial sectors, including building materials, textiles, and packaging, showcasing its influential role in the industry.
DPI得普技术的成功故事展现了其作为技术创新型企业的卓越实力和品牌融合作用。DPI深耕于数码印刷行业,凭借其专业技术团队的深厚研发能力,对工业化数码印刷需求的深刻理解,以及强大的全球供应链支持,成为高速工业数码印刷设备研发和生产的佼佼者。DPI的创新数码印刷流程解决方案服务于建材、纺织和包装等多个工业领域,充分展示了其在行业中的领导地位和广泛影响力。 辉盛为得普技术提供了简洁且具有延展性的解决方案,基于印刷点阵(DPI)的数字化表现,创造出一系列引人注目的主视觉元素。辉盛巧妙地将这些数字化视觉元素应用到品牌的各个接触点中,建立起具有强烈科技感的品牌识别形象。这种创新的视觉策略不仅提升了得普技术的品牌形象,也增强了其在市场中的竞争优势,从而巩固了其在数码印刷领域的领先地位。
Client: DPI Tech™ ____ Service: Visual Identity ____ Design Team: RDATeam® Uran Wang/Sieh Zhang
